Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday - Flying plates

Today was a good day. We both slept well. Ulia was feeling better today, also, and was not as shy. She gave us a hug as soon as she came into the room, which surprised us. She spent a long time playing with my cell phone and camera, and figured out how to record and watch videos on the phone without any help. Then, of course, she had to take pictures of everything in the room (many stuffed animals). Then we went for a walk around the orphanage and met some of her friends. There are alot of cute kids here. We have decided to stay here at the Liverpool for the duration of our time in Donetsk. It is convenient, and we like it here. Also, we took frisbees today for Ulia and her friends, and we played with her. They call frisbees "flying plates". Here is a picture of Ulia with her "flying plate".


Fred and Lisa Thompson said...

I'm glad Ulia is feeling better today and that you all had a chance to play together!

Tell Svetlana that Fred and the girls and I say Hi! She was our translator while we in Ukraine and shared a flat with Fred and I in Mariupol!

vicki swanson said...

Brad and Laura, all of your tennis buddies are thrilled for you...and am so excited to meet Ulia. Perhaps tennis is her sport!! We are looking forward to your return home and the chance to meet her.
Take care..

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful and it is exciting to see how God is working. We will keep praying that God will work out all of the details and you will be able to bring your daughter home. Happy Birthday Laura. I hope you are spending it with your daughter!!!


Dian & Rick

Anonymous said...

Brad & Lauara,
I am so thrilled for you. God is so faithful when we believe in faith that he hears our prayers and answers them! Ulia is an answer to prayer and I pray for you and Ulia to come home soon! Prayers and thoughts are with you all daily! Laura - The Drama Team misses you and you're missed too, Brad.
God bless and keep you. Can hardly wait to see you and to meet your new precious daughter.

Rosemary Byrum